Utter the word “animation” and many are quick to jump to the conclusion that it must be “just for kids”. However, animation is everywhere today and geared towards almost any audience. In many cases, it may be the most effective, clear, or possible way to communicate certain information. If speaking to 20 to 35 yr. olds, animation may not only be expected, but also the preferred medium for communication. For this blog series, we’ll explore the many uses and advantages of animation in the business world.
Animated Statistics
The business world if filled with statistics. Stats have proven an effective way to prove or bend the opinion of viewers that your company’s value is greater than another. Unfortunately the impact is often lost when embedded in 100+ slide Powerpoints or limited to a Word doc printout. Bold type just doesn’t cut it. The delivery of your stats should equal the gravity of the numbers themselves. Animation is a highly effective method to give your statistics the delivery they deserve. It introduces a wow-factor to your presentation and jars your viewers to attention. By visualizing the stats, you make them memorable. Animation also allows you to group your statistics into a coherent message and link them with your branding.
Below is an example of what we call Statistic Visualization:
The R.E.D. Team